There are big changes to my digital footprint coming down the line. As I get closer to completing my latest first draft (a side project that is actually the one best suited to moving on to the next stage), I have been thinking a lot more about building my "platform" as an author. This concept of a "platform", sort of like a fan base, is ubiquitous to modern writing and publishing. It's especially relevant to self-publishing, which is the avenue I am 99% sure I will be taking with my work, barring fortuitous happenstance.
The mascot for The Process |
I am sure I speak for many writers when I say I am naturally an introvert. I would love nothing better than to shut myself away in some refuge and write and have audiences
magically appear and praise my work (and pay money for it too!) Real life writing simply doesn't work that way. Even writers going the traditional route with the backing of major publishers are expected to have built a platform through social media, participating in forums and conferences, and generally promoting themselves. So as a natural introvert, you can imagine how putting myself out there in a meaningful way beyond this semi-neglected blog is daunting.
This when I started thinking about what they call in Philadelphia, "The Process."