Sunday, 30 November 2014

Ideas: Bitter Harvest

So with the return to activity, I'm introducing a new category, called "Ideas". This is a catch-all, really, just to put out a lot of thoughts and things I've learned that have been percolating in my head during the hiatus.I will give this an underlying structure, however, by saying that these are mostly stories I've come across in the world at large that I want to incorporate somehow into my writing.

Friday, 28 November 2014

The Star Wars Prequels = Nickelback

When I heard that JJ Abrams was being handed the reins to the next Star Wars trilogy, I think like many others, I felt encouraged by his previous effort at helming a major sci-fi franchise: Star Trek. Personally, I felt that the first new Star Trek movie (not so much Into Darkness) managed to walk the incredibly fine line between catering to devotees and being accessible to neophytes. It was clear he had respect for the source material without being slavish to it.

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

A New Day Is Dawning

What's this? A post? Yes, at long last, some output. The accursed day job is finished, probably the worst job since Kiff's. Wait, scratch that, that doesn't happen for another thousand years. OK, it's the worst job since the poor bastard who had to catch Henry VIII's jizz.

Anyway, expect some new/old posts as I catch up.